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View and Edit

After creating a data store, you can view and edit certain configurations to better suit your needs. To edit your data store:

  1. Within the Data Stores tab, select the data store you wish to modify.
  2. Click on the ellipsis menu (⋮) next to the data store, and choose "Edit."

Edit Data Store

On the Edit Data Store page, you can modify the following settings:


Adjust the size of your data store by specifying the desired amount of storage. This option allows you to scale your data store's capacity based on your application's requirements.

Eviction Policy

Configure the eviction policy for your data store.


Enable or disable specializations like BullMQ for your data store.


Enable or disable automatic backups for your data store.

After making the desired changes, click "Save" to apply the new configuration to your data store.


Please note that modifying certain settings, such as increasing the data store size, may impact the pricing and incur additional costs.